EK Support is fluent with multiple email & cloud
platforms ensuring that your systems remain managed and secure.
Email is one of the most important services that are utilised by businesses and organisations worldwide. It is a sign that you are negotiating to do business, your company is recognised, your contacts recognise the services that you are offering. Management for email is key to ensure that mailboxes are properly configured, distribution lists are deployed for certain users and archiving is initialised for large mailboxes. All these steps can take an inordinate amount of time to process, EK Support can help make this transition easier by managing your email provider.
We also take care of cloud services from multiple platforms such as Microsoft® 365, Dropbox and Google Workspace etc. We ensure that users have appropriate access to company resources, have access to company data on their workstations, regulate control of credentials and more. EK Support can streamline your cloud platforms to make access, integration and sharing of company resources much more fluid. Cloud storage is the future for corporate companies as IT Infrastructure is saying goodbye to bulky file servers. Cloud storage can help reduce cost, increase productivity and efficiency and enable multi-collaboration saving you crucial time and expense.